Kiliani Fischer Synthesis

Kiliani Fischer Synthesis Kiliani-Fischer Synthesis Definition: The Kiliani-Fischer synthesis is a method by which we can lengthen the carbon chain on a sugar molecule by adding an additional carbon atom to that sugar. Kiliani-Fischer Synthesis Explained: Larger…

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Keto-Enol tautomerism

Keto-Enol tautomerism Keto-enol tautomerism Definition: Ketones and other carbonyl compounds containing a hydrogen adjacent to the carbonyl are in the equilibrium with a constitutional isomer called enol. Keto-enol tautomerism Explained: Protonation of enolate into oxygen…

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Iodination [I2/catalyst]

Iodination [I2/catalyst] Iodination [I2/catalist] Definition: Treatment of an aromatic such as benzene with iodine (I2) and copper (II) leads to the formation of the iodinated benzene by electrophilic aromatic substitution. Iodination [I2/catalyst] Explained: Since iodine is unreactive toward aromatic…

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Iodination [I2]

Iodination [I2] Iodination Definition: Iodination is a reaction where iodine is added to a double bond of alkene to give a diiodide. Iodination Explained: Alkene chlorination and bromination are very…

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Imine formation [RNH2]

Imine formation [RNH2] Imine formation [RNH2] Definition: The reaction of a primary amine with an aldehyde or ketone results in an imine and one equivalent of water. Imine formation [RNH2] Explained: In mildly conditions, an aldehyde or ketone will react…

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